Category: Features

Is every Sunday a wasted opportunity?

It’s not every day that The New York Times runs a story about Catholics and Eucharistic Adoration. Yet the National Eucharistic Congress held in July in Indianapolis caught the attention of the Gray Lady and many others. The five-day gathering in Lucas Oil Stadium, years in the planning with a $14 million budget, attracted 50,000…

Our call to continue writing Sacred history

We each have a purpose given to us, writes Katie Fillion I was recently attending a formation course for catechists aimed at working with children between 6-9 years old. One theme that we focused on was the child’s growing capacity for understanding time and history. In the same way that they can remember events from…

I have tasted revival

Fr Patrick Briscoe I saw it. The Church in the United States has witnessed the defining moment of a generation. There’s no other way to describe it. I had high hopes for the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, but, to put it simply, Our Lord brought me to my knees in Indianapolis. In the months…

What a lucky kid I am

My 3-year-old granddaughter was on a beach weekend. When the ice cream wagon made its trek across the sand, her parents allowed her a treat. Later in the day, the family shared dinner with friends and the other mom brought – yep, more ice cream treats. When Alice saw the box being offered, she couldn’t…

Every Catholic’s call to Eucharistic mission

The average Catholic in the pew hearing the term ‘Eucharistic missionary’ might think this is a special role in the Church, performed by well-trained holy people in some far-flung region. And yet, every Catholic is called to be a Eucharistic missionary. The faithful’s everyday call to a Eucharistic encounter that ultimately leads to the life…

A Eucharistic Word: Giving

Michael R. Heinlein What a disappointment it’s been, though unsurprising, to see Catholics offering negative commentary of this summer’s National Eucharistic Congress in the US. Now, I’m not an idealist. Some of the criticism can be warranted. Missteps have been made at the local and national levels. I firmly believe that deeper Eucharistic faith, more…