Category: Features

Bread and wine

At the Last Supper when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, He chose to use two elements, bread and wine. The images are now so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that we never stop to ask, why bread and wine? Among all the things Jesus might have chosen, why these two? What do they carry in themselves…

Michael R. Heinlein What do we do when we return to the pew after receiving Holy Communion? Having welcomed the Lord of the universe into our own corner of it, in the humblest yet profound of ways, how should our prayer be directed? For years, I’d attempt various strategies hoping to make the most of…

Newman on conversion

Russell Shaw   Lately I’ve had occasion to read two books by St John Henry Newman. One is Newman’s first novel, Loss and Gain, while the other is that classic “history of my religious opinions” (Newman’s words), the Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Although the two volumes could hardly be more unalike in most respects, both…

A view from the Quays

Fr Alan Hilliard Several years ago, I attended a conference in Melbourne Australia. It related to world religions and there was a specific section on Indigenous people. I was enthralled by a leader from the Inuit community. Though they live simple lives, it has its complexities. They are herders and nomadic, so they walk with…

The desire to be a priest

Br Luiz Otavio S. Silva, O. Carm I was born in Recife, capital of the state, the youngest of three children, and lived most of my life in a town called Escada, 61km away. I was raised in the Catholic religion from the cradle, having very fond memories of a childhood spent in contact with…

Being a young Catholic at university

There is something brewing amongst the youth in the Church says, James Tourish   There are many things associated with modern university life in today’s world, parties, drinking culture and a broad range of activities that are better left undiscussed. As a student at Queen’s University in Belfast, you soon come to find that ‘the…

The actress who left everything for God

Fr Adrian Crowley   Eve Lavalliere was born in France in 1866.  She had the worst, most tragic beginning to life which any child could have. Her father, an alcoholic, in a drunken rage shot her mother and then himself… and she saw it happen. As a teenager she ran off to Paris in pursuit…

Our true native land

I found that being in Ireland taught me a lot about what it means to be in search of our heavenly home says, Maura Collins Soon before I left California this August to live in Ireland for a couple of months, a woman in my Catholic community texted me an told me that she’d pray…