Q: What is the position or rule of the Church concerning cremation? A: There is a short answer to your question in Paragraph 2301 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which tells us that, “The Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body.” But we can gain…
Category: Questions of Faith
What are the steps to receive Communion after divorce and remarriage?
Q: I am baptised Catholic and was married in a Catholic church. Then I was divorced and remarried in a Methodist church. She is a baptised Methodist. Then she recently did RCIA [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults] and joined the Catholic Church. How can I receive Communion again? What are the steps? A: For…
What level of involvement in abortion carries the canonical penalty of excommunication?
Q: I’ve heard that a Catholic who is involved in an abortion is automatically excommunicated. But where do you draw the line in terms of what makes a person involved? Like if a person drove a woman to the abortion clinic because he wanted to try to talk her out of it at the last minute, would…
Why is confirmation a requirement to be a godparent?
Q: I wanted my aunt and uncle to be godparents for my new baby. Both my aunt and uncle went through 12 years of Catholic school. But the priest told us my uncle couldn’t be godfather to my baby because he never received Confirmation. This doesn’t make sense to me because I’m sure my uncle…
Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional?
Q: Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional? Our pastor moved our confessional from a room with screen and kneeler to a family room that does not have a screen or kneeler. So, our parishioners no longer have the option to use a screen and kneeler. Our second graders…
Why would Jesus curse a fig tree that was out of season for not producing fruit?
Q: Why would Jesus curse a fig tree that was out of season for not producing fruit? A: The Fathers of the Church taught that sacred Scripture could be understood on several different levels, and I think that may be the best approach to understanding this particular episode in Jesus’ life. The story of Jesus…
What does ‘Ordinary Time’ mean in the Church’s calendar?
Q: I once heard a priest talk about Ordinary Time and that it didn’t mean ‘plain’ or that other times were more important. Of course, I can’t remember how he explained it. Can you explain some more? A: I personally was not there when your priest was giving his talk, so I can’t comment specifically…
Can a marriage be declared invalid due to severe mental illness?
Q: If a Catholic couple gets married in the Church but later it emerges that one of them is suffering from a severe mental illness with psychotic episodes, can that marriage be declared invalid due to mental health issues? A: Yes, in principle severe mental illness can be a reason why a marriage might be declared null.…
Why does the Catholic Church oppose contraception?
Q: A Catholic doctor who has to prescribe birth control pills as part of his job does not agree with the Church’s teaching on contraception. He says the Bible does not talk about contraception. If contraception is stopped completely, abortions will go through the roof. Doesn’t it make sense for Third World countries to use…
Is my friend ‘dead’ in Christ due to her irregular marriage status?
Q: John 6:54 states the following: “Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.’” I just met a sister in Christ who has a problem. She has a common law spouse and…