Q: I live in a diocese where the feast of the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday. This year, I was traveling for work on Ascension Thursday, and in the diocese where my conference was, Ascension was moved to Sunday (by which point I was already back home). I feel bad for missing the feast of…
Category: Questions of Faith
Can I go to a Methodist church since there are no Catholic churches nearby?
Questions of Faith Q: I recently moved to a rural area, and my current parish is now nearly an hour drive away. There are no Catholic churches in my new area. There is, however, a Methodist church right across the street from my new home, in easy walking distance. They are open for services on…
What role might AI play in catechesis?
Q: Can an artificial intelligence program licitly receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders? And regardless, what role do you think AI might be able to play in catechesis, if any? A: No, an artificial intelligence program cannot receive the sacrament of Holy Orders (or any other sacrament, for that matter). Sacraments can only be received…
What’s going on with the Latin Mass?
Q: What’s going on with the Latin Mass, and why do some priests like to celebrate it while others don’t? A: It’s good to keep in mind that priests are human beings who, like the rest of us, form personal opinions about things that are important to them. So your question is a rather complex…
Is there still responsibility for past sins after confession?
Q: I have a confession question. I have heard that past sins, either venial or mortal, even after confessing them stay with you somewhat and only ‘really’ get dismissed after your soul is scrubbed clean by time in purgatory. So would someone with a very bad past who does a turn-around, goes to Confession and…
Why does a paschal candle holder have bee artwork?
Q: In my parish, we have an antique candle holder for the paschal candle. The design on the candle stand looks like it has some sort of insect, and so my 6-year-old asked me why there were ‘bugs on the Paschal candle’. Any thoughts? A: My guess is that the ‘bugs on the paschal candle’…
Should Jesus be depicted on crucifixes as alive or dead?
Q: I have a friend who observed that some crucifixes depict the Saviour with his eyes open and some depict him with his eyes closed. He wants to know which is correct – alive or dead? A: With respect to the second part of your question, I think it’s equally correct for a crucifix to…
Why isn’t a pro-life petition part of every Mass?
Q: If, indeed, abortion is the Church’s preeminent issue, then why don’t we hear a pro-life petition as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at every Mass? A: Many parishes do include a pro-life intention as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass every week. However, it is true that including a…
Does the Polish National Catholic Church have a valid celebration of the Eucharist?
Q: If our Orthodox brothers and sisters have a valid celebration of the Eucharist, can the same be said of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC)? Given your logic about the Orthodox churches a few weeks ago, it would seem to me that the PNCC also has apostolic succession, given that the founder of the…
For those who avoid meat anyway, is there another Friday penance?
For those who avoid meat anyway, is there another Friday penance? Catholics I know are doing ‘fish on Friday’ to conform to the fasting and abstinence requirement. But if I typically avoid meat or eat fish most days anyway, should I do something different for Lent, or just stay the same? I’ve heard some Catholics…