Colombian bishops pray for peace following 13 murders

Colombian bishops pray for peace following 13 murders Photo: Contagio Radio

The Colombian Bishops’ Conference appealed for peace following two brutal massacres of young people last week in the country. In a statement, the bishops expressed their “deep grief and concern” over the killings.

“We pray to God for the victims and we express our closeness and solidarity with their families, the inhabitants of the cities where these crimes occurred, and the ecclesial communities of the Archdiocese of Cali and the Diocese of Ipiales,” they said.

According to local media reports, eight young adults were killed by a group of armed men in Samaniego as they were having a conversation in a home on August 15.

The massacre of the eight young adults, mostly university students, comes less than a week after the bodies of five young people were discovered in a sugar cane field in the Llano Verde neighbourhood of Cali on August 11.