Concern Worldwide aids victims of Bangladesh floods

Concern Worldwide aids victims of Bangladesh floods A woman wades through water near her home in Bangladesh after flash floods in August 2024. Photo: Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide is responding to deadly floods in Bangladesh in which at least 18 people have been killed and millions of others stranded.

The Irish organisation is providing food, oral rehydration solution, water purification tablets, sanitary pads, candles and matches to approximately 35,000 people in Nohakhali district, one of the worst affected districts.

“These floods are the fourth consecutive natural disaster in the last four months in Bangladesh which makes the situation very complex,” said Manish Kumar Agrawal, country director for Concern in Bangladesh. “It’s estimated that over 20 million people across 40% of Bangladesh have been affected due to these disasters.”

Concern is working with local partner, Sajida Foundation in Nohakhali to reach communities. The Irish organisation, as part of the wider emergency response coordination in Bangladesh, is continuing to assess the unmet needs of affected people.

Concern is planning to ramp up its response in the coming days and weeks as the flood water gradually recedes, to provide people affected with food and nutrition support, repair damaged homes, reduce the risk of water and vector borne diseases and help people restart their livelihoods.