Daffodils will soon be blooming all over the garden and out in the wild as spring is still breaking in. Daffodils symbolise renewal and new life which makes them significant to Lent, coming up to Easter. Their brilliant yellow petals brighten up our days and it said that their scent can have a calming and relaxing effect on us.
If you can’t wait to see real daffodils blooming then you can create some daffodils yourself out of paper. This daffodil bunting makes a great Easter decoration as well as something that will last all spring. Create different types of daffodils such as Narcissus with white petals and dainty orange trumpets, or with St Patrick’s Day coming up, a soft yellow St Patrick’s daffodil.
For the bunting you will need cereal card for the template, yellow and orange card, scissors, green twine or wool, glue stick and PVA glue.
Create the petal template on some card. Each daffodil should have six petals. Trace around the template onto some yellow paper card and cut out. Repeat until you have enough for your bunting.
For the daffodil trumpet, create the template on the remaining cereal card. Cut off a long strip and draw a zig zag line along the top of the strip. Cut along the diagonal lines and draw around this on the orange card. Cut out and dab a little glue along one of the short ends. Roll up and pinch to keep the glue in place. Place a paperclip over the glued edges to hold it in place until the glue has dried.
Remove the paper clip and brush some PVA glue into the centre of one of the daffodils.
Place the trumpet over this, straight side down and hold in place for 10 seconds. Repeat with the remaining trumpets and petals and leave them to dry for a few hours.
Take the green twine or wool and cut a piece long enough to hold the daffodils. Use a ruler to space each daffodil evenly apart on the string and secure with some of the PVA glue. Leave to dry for a few hours and when it is completely dry, hang the bunting up.
To make the bunting more Easter themed, create mutli-coloured eggs, chicks and rabbits out of the card and arrange these between the daffodils.
photo: pexels