Decline of Catholicism in West damages African Church

Decline of Catholicism in West damages African Church Photo: CNS

A Nigerian bishop in Liverpool has said the Catholic Church in his country is beginning to lose its public influence because of the decline of religious Faith in the West.

Bishop Matthew Kukah of Sokoto accused European and American politicians and diplomats of publicly “pandering” to Islam at the expense of Christianity.

The result, he said, was the ascendancy of Islam and evangelical Christianity in Nigeria and the decline of Catholicism.

He said the loss of Christian faith in the West is among the causes of the diminishing influence of the Catholic Church in his own country.

“From my own experience, I find that the British high commissioner, the ambassadors from European countries, the American ambassador – they are pandering more to Islam than to Christianity, because most of them have turned their backs on Christianity,” Bishop Kukah said.