Derry diocese is hosting a conference on youth ministry in Thornhill College on Saturday, October 24 from 9:30am to 4:00pm. The theme is Developing Faith in our Young People and its central focus will be the creation of parish opportunities for youth ministry. The day will offer parishes, schools, youth groups and other delegates the opportunity to unite in faith, develop relationships with other parishes and groups and gain insights into a variety of programmes, initiatives and tasks relating to youth ministry.
John McAreavey is the keynote speaker and there will be an opportunities for shared practice, discussion and identifying challenges. Bishop Donal McKeown will open the conference and celebrate the Eucharist. A selection of workshops is available on the Pope John Paul II Award, Children's Liturgy, Contemporary Liturgical Music and Youth Choirs, SVP, Youth Alpha, Youth Liturgies, Meditation, Shared Future and Youth Pilgrimages including information on the upcoming Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. Youth Link NI will present details of training opportunities for all conference delegates and the Derry Youth Community will share their vision as well as provide information on what they offer to schools and parishes.
For a booking form please contact Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre +4428 71264087 or email