About 2,800 young people from Co. Donegal, Derry City, Co. Derry and Co. Tyrone attended the annual Fan the Flame Mass in Celtic Park, Derry for children who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of Derry during the past year.
The main celebrant was Bishop Donal McKeown. The Long Tower Folk Group led the music and pupils from different schools assisted in the liturgy of the Word and the offertory procession. Over 100 teenage volunteers, some of whom are participating in the Pope John Paul II Award, also acted as ushers.
Every school brought a banner which formed part of the entrance procession and the post Communion reflection.
At the end of the Mass Bishop McKeown, retired bishops Seamus Hegarty, Francis Lagan and priests of the diocese, assisted by some young people, released balloons symbolising the breath of the Holy Spirit.