An initiative from the pastoral council of Long Tower Parish in Derry City is aiming to help young people to discuss and tackle issues affecting their lives.
Youth Fest will involve a series of four interviews held throughout the year to discuss issues of concern expressed by young people, teachers and parents in the parish.
The first event will examine the issue of suicide and will involve an interview with Angela Hayes and her son Alan from Co. Kilkenny, who will speak about their family tragedy and their hopes for the future. Tommy Hayes died by suicide at the age of 32 in 2002, his son Thomas died through suicide nine years later at the age of 19.
Young people are free to make comments and to ask questions during the ‘Life Choices’ interview and local service providers will be available on the day as well as counsellors to offer support and advice if needed.
Youth Fest takes places in St Columba’s Church, Longtower parish, Derry on Friday, February 27 at 1.45pm. Contact 028 71 262301, email: or check www.longtower