DFA stands up for jailed Indian Jesuit, calling for his release

DFA stands up for jailed Indian Jesuit, calling for his release Fr Stan Swamy SJ

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) called for the release of Indian Jesuit Fr Stan Swami on humanitarian grounds and raised issues regarding the grounds of his detention.

Church leaders and politicians around the world have previously called for Fr Swami’s release. The Indian Jesuit is currently in hospital with Covid-like symptoms.

Irish Jesuits International told this paper that the 84-year-old priest has been subject to a “shocking abuse of the law”, having been jailed for alleged terrorist activity.

The DFA have been monitoring the case since Fr Swamy was jailed in October, saying they have raised the priest’s case both through the Irish Embassy in India and through the EU.

“Our ambassador in India has raised the issue at senior level in the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and Ireland also joined with EU partners in raising this case,” the DFA’s spokesperson said.

“The EU recently held a high-level dialogue on human rights with India in which both sides exchanged views on strengthening human rights in various areas.”

“Our Embassy in New Delhi joined other EU Member States in raising this case with the National Human Rights Commission of India, expressing concern about the conditions of his detention, given the age and health profile of the human rights defender, and raising the possibility of his release on humanitarian grounds.”

The spokesperson concluded, saying that the Irish Embassy will continue to monitor developments in Fr Swamy’s case.

The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ) welcomed the Department’s intervention, saying it is “very encouraging” to see the Government pursue justice so clearly.

“The Irish Jesuit Province is working with our partners across the globe to raise awareness of this dreadful situation and to see justice done in Stan’s particular case, but also for those whom he has spent his life representing,” the head of the JCFJ Kevin Hargaden said.