Dominican drums way to internet fame with Metallica song ‘One’

Dominican drums way to internet fame with Metallica song ‘One’ Father Hyacinth Marie Cordell OP performing Metallica song ‘One’.

A Dominican priest has drummed up more than 320,000 likes and millions of views on social media after a video of him performing Metallica’s song ‘One’ went viral.

Fr Hyacinth Marie Cordell OP of St Patrick’s Church in Philadelphia has been using his Instagram page to share videos of him covering various songs and has gained almost 100,000 followers in just two months. He has received positive feedback from followers and famous musicians alike, including Evan Marien, Tosin Abasi and El Estepario. The priest even received a positive comment from Metallica regarding his cover.

Speaking to ChurchPOP Fr Hyacinth said: “Seeing a priest doing something in the realm of music and who tries to be positive and encouraging in comments can begin to break down some prejudices.

“Many people have never met a priest or don’t have any connection to a priest. So, this has been a way to connect with lots of people who otherwise might have no connection to the Church.”