Dublin hosts first Catholic career summit

Dublin hosts first Catholic career summit Senator Rónán Mullen is one of the speaker in the summit.

A Catholic Career Summit will be held for the first time in Dublin on October 26 and will feature a range of speakers covering both professional and faith-oriented topics, including debate, business showcases, and plenty of time for discussion.

The summit was organised in response to a gap in the professional world for Catholics to come together and discuss not only career strategies but also how their faith influences their working lives. One of the organisers, Riain, noted, “We saw a gap in the professional scene for Catholics to share not just career strategies, but how faith influences their working lives.”

Catholic witness in the workplace, as the organiser defined it, is “living out our faith through integrity, service, and standing by one’s principles… It’s essential because embodying these values honours God and inspires others.” The summit aims to encourage Catholics to express their faith tactfully in the workplace, promoting a culture of ethical behaviour and respect for human dignity.

The event will also address challenges that Catholic professionals face, such as ethical conflicts and hesitancy about expressing personal beliefs. “Our event aims to create a supportive community where attendees can share experiences and find guidance,” Riain explained. Long-term goals include mentorship programmes and international collaborations to help young Catholics “be confident, successful, and faithful at work.”

Among the speakers is Senator Rónán Mullen, Fr Alan O’Sullivan OP, a Dominican priest and expert in moral theology and Cora Sherlock, a solicitor and international advocate for pro-life causes.