Faith grounded me in my darkest days, singer Donna Taggart

Faith grounded me in my darkest days, singer Donna Taggart Singer Donna Taggart. Photo: Facebook

Omagh singer Donna Taggart, who is best known for her cover of the song ‘Jealous of the Angels’, which amassed millions of views in 2016, spoke movingly about how her resolute Faith has been the “anchor” that’s navigated her throughout all of the storms in her life and something she particularly relied on during the tragic loss of her second child Mícheál, who was born sleeping in 2014.

Speaking at the Knock Novena, Ms Taggart admitted that in spite of all of her duties and roles expected of her in her life, there was “no greater service than sharing the gifts God has given” to her.

“I’ve come to realise that there’s no greater service than sharing the gifts God has given to you,” she said. “Behind all the roles that I had as a mother, wife, daughter, a colleague, a homemaker, an artist – I had a deep yearning and knowing that God wanted me to use my voice and so I prayed that he make a way and make it possible should it be his will.”

Ms Taggart recalled the moment her singing entered the public sphere and how she believes that the viral attention her song ‘Jealous of the Angels’ received was not down to a powerful record label guiding her, but “the work of God” when she reflects on how it all materialised.

“It was during 2016, the week of Mícheál’s second anniversary that out of the blue the song ‘Jealous of the Angels’, which I had recorded a few years previous went viral on social media and to date has streamed 100 millions of times across the world – reaching and comforting people in every corner of the globe.

“This happened organically with no record label, deal, big marketing plan or music manager. It was and is a miracle …. It was the work of God. God used the gift he gave me to share his message of love.

“Through every storm I have had the anchor of my Faith which has steadied the ship and grounded me during some of my darkest days.”