Families of overseas prisoners ‘utterly let down’ by the State

Families of overseas prisoners ‘utterly let down’ by the State

Not one Irish prisoner has been transferred to the State from overseas in the last four years, with a Catholic charity accusing the Government of causing families “anxiety” and not reforming a “broken system”.

The Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (ICPO) expressed concern after the publication of the 2020 annual report on prisoners transferred into and out of the State – published by the Minister for Justice and Equality. It focuses on the operation of the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Acts (1995 and 1997).

It revealed that no Irish prisoner was transferred into the State from an overseas prison for the fourth year in a row, and three quarters of those who applied to transfer to an Irish prison were refused last year.


Coordinator of the ICPO, Brian Hanley said the 2020 figures “shine a light on what is at this point, a barely-functioning system”.

“These numbers are unprecedented and run contrary to the Government’s stated policy that prisoners should be permitted to serve their sentences close to their families – not least because of the humanitarian benefit to prisoner’s families but also because of the improved resettlement outcomes such family engagement and supported release programmes have for society. The system has essentially ground to a halt and Irish people in prison overseas and their families here in Ireland feel utterly let down by the State.”

Mr Hanley continued: “Even the number of people applying to transfer into the State points to a broken system. Eight applications were received in 2020; whereas five years ago the number of applications was double that. Irish prisoners overseas are coming to the harsh realisation that the opportunity to serve their remaining sentence close to their families and support network is no longer a possibility.”

He described this as “short-sighted, as prisoners who receive regular visits from families have been shown to be much less likely to reoffend”.

Mr Hanley added that problems in the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Acts were highlighted by a Supreme Court decision in 2016 and “an amendment is required in order to deal with these issues”.

“Despite the amending legislation being drafted two years ago, it is still not on the Government’s priority list of legislation. The Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas is calling on the Government to introduce the amending legislation without further delay.”

Read more here: Upholding the dignity of Irish prisoners overseas