Easter Camps
Looking to occupy kids over the two-week break for Easter? There are plenty of camps all over the country to choose from, some are one week long and others run for two. The break can be a great opportunity for kids to try out something new or spend time at a hobby.
There’s a camp to suit pretty much anyone. If you have someone interested in art the Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA) gallery in Dublin is hosting an art camp. All the materials are supplied, and kids can explore clay, plaster, collage, costume, painting, drawing, sculpture, nature and more. Kids Cook Cookery School in Meath will be running Kids Cookery Easter Camps for kids aged 5 to 13 years. Trinity Walton Club have an Easter S.T.E.M. camp for secondary school students who haven’t done their junior cert. Canoeing Ireland Training Centre will run Kayaking Camps for children between 10 and 16 over the Easter holidays.
Bed Head Band
It’s not uncommon to find it difficult to sleep, many people find it difficult to switch off after a stressful day or after looking at a computer for over eight hours.
Acousticsheep SleepPhones is a headband with ultra-thin, flat speakers that are comfortable enough to wear while lying down or sleeping on your side.
Instead of wearing bulky headphones, getting tangled in earbuds or losing an Air pod, this can be used to listen to your sounds of choice: white noise, ocean sounds or maybe a podcast.
They could be really useful for bedtime as well as for travelling. Listening to sounds as you sleep. Listening to something while you sleep might even help if you have a bed partner or roommate who snores loudly or gets up a lot.
Cry it out
Researchers have found that leaving infants to cry has no adverse effects on attachment to their mother and behavioural development but could help them develop self-control.
The debate isn’t totally over though as Professor Dieter Wolke, a co-author of the study from the University of Warwick, said the result shows that parents shouldn’t be too worried about what approach they take: “We may have made a mountain out of a molehill,” he said.
The study followed 178 babies in the UK from birth to 18 months and the team explored how sensitive the mother was towards their infant at three and 18 months, by videoing their interactions. The Guardian reported that several experts don’t agree that leaving babies to cry may help develop self-control. The researchers state: “We neither recommend leaving infant to cry out nor responding immediately”. Prof. Dieter said their findings suggested parents know intuitively the best response for their child and this adapts over time.