Focus Ireland support increased from the last report

Focus Ireland support increased from the last report Focus Ireland tenant Al Leahy. Photo: Focus Ireland X Account

The Focus Ireland annual report 2023 was released this week. In the last year, the charity had an increase of 12.5% in the number of people supported compared to the 2022 report, and an increase of almost 10% in the number of households supported. That is 1,757 households helped to either keep their home or support their exit from homelessness.

Even with the promising rise, homelessness remains a challenge. Pat Dennigan, Focus Ireland CEO said “this was another challenging year, as homelessness continued to rise sharply.”

Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, Focus Ireland Life President and Founder sent a message to the current government. “Homelessness inflicts severe trauma on everyone, but it is especially devastating for children … We must all take greater action to stop this crisis”, she said.

Mr Dennigan said that “over the past three months, Focus Ireland, in collaboration with the State, has helped over 100 families secure homes and escape homelessness … We must build on this success. We urge the Government to adopt a policy that dedicates a portion of the new social housing supply to long-term homeless families”, Mr Dennigan concluded.