A Co. Galway parish pastoral council is on a mission to improve parishioners’ health this Lent with the launch of an ‘Operation Transformation’ style of fitness scheme.
Based on the health and fitness programme on RTÉ One, parishioners are being invited to follow the fitness regime of six leaders in Annaghdown parish taking part in ‘Operation Continuation’.
Six local fitness instructors, a nutrionist and a pharmacist have all volunteered their time to support the project. “The three leaders met with the nutritionist on Monday to get diet plans for the week, we will have training on Fridays and Wednesdays in Corandulla hall, weigh-ins with the pharmacist every Friday, and on Sunday mornings we will have a 5km walk alternating from Annaghdown or Corandulla each week,” said Jenny Baranyai, who has organised the project.
“Everybody from the area can come to the classes. It is a community gathering and a social thing, so we want to get everybody out together,” she told The Irish Catholic.
About 100 people from the parish attended an information evening for the programme and a Facebook page has been set up where people can follow the leader’s journey. The project kicked off yesterday (March 1) and will run for six weeks, but organisers hope that the parish walks will become a permanent community event.