Dear Editor, How wonderful to read your report that male classroom assistants are having a positive influence on the exam results achieved by boys in St Paul’s High School in Bressbrook, Co. Armagh (IC 10/03/2016 ‘Classroom ‘father figures’ behind exam results boost’). It reminded me of the phrase ‘one good adult’ and the positive influence this can make in a young person’s life, be it a parent, teacher, sports coach, neighbour or priest. Many young people are growing up in chaotic circumstances and may not be able to rely on their parents for the support that they need. Boys in particular need to have a good male role model in their lives to help them to develop into mature young men, but girls also need to see how men should act with respect and dignity towards women. So perhaps we should all consider, whether we have a family of our own or not, how we can be a positive influence on the young lives around us.
Yours etc.,
Sean Raleigh,