Gunman kills four in Brazil church attack

Gunman kills four in Brazil church attack

A gunman opened fire inside a Brazilian church, killing four people and injuring four others before turning the gun on himself, police have said.

The shooting occurred just as parishioners from Our Lady of the Conception Cathedral in Campinas, near Sao Paulo, were leaving a midday Mass.

“I conducted the Mass at 12.15, at the end of the Mass a person came firing and made some victims, nobody could do anything, or help at all,” said Fr Amauri Thomazzi in an emotional video posted on his social media account hours after the incident.

Police identified the gunman as Euler Fernando Grandolpho (49) of Valinhos, a nearby city in the densely populated state of Sao Paulo. Police said the gunman fired more than 20 shots before being cornered by officers near the altar and killing himself.

In a telegram sent December 12 to Fr Jose Eduardo Meschiatti, administrator of the Archdiocese of Campinas, by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, Pope Francis expressed his sadness after hearing news of the attack and “assured his solidarity and spiritual comfort to the families who have lost their loved ones”.

“The Holy Father invites everyone, in front of this moment of sorrow, to find comfort and strength in the risen Jesus, asking God that hope may not be lost in this hour of trial and that forgiveness and love may prevail over hatred and vengeance,” Cardinal Parolin said.

Footage from security cameras showed that the shooter entered the church alone, sat on a rear bench in the back for several minutes before turning around and firing at people behind him.