Hard Choices

For the serious political buff this is the read of the summer. Whether Hilary Clinton will run for the White House remains a mystery wrapped in an enigma. This book recounts her experiences as American Secretary of State, dealing directly with the foreign affairs of the United States.

This is one of the most sensitive yet often over exposed roles in modern government. The need to provide that instant response, yet to maintain long standing relationships which often carry with them obligations that the US has, in effect, no control over.

She talks of the need to deliver prosperity and security for the world, but this all too often has a hollow ring in many parts of the world, such as Africa and the Middle East where both poverty and lack of security often arise form decisions made far away from the people involved.

This will be an essential book to aid an understanding of the future candidate’s mind.

But the reader will have to assess whether this liberal Democratic agenda will carry its full appeal to a very fractured and unhappy America. But on reading this one feels in the end Hilary Clinton lacks the warm appeal of husband Bill, to whom peace in Ireland owes so much.