‘Have courage, take the step,’ says Bishop Paul Dempsey to youth

‘Have courage, take the step,’ says Bishop Paul Dempsey to youth

Recently, Bishop Paul Dempsey visited two youth prayer groups, where he shared his faith journey and reflections on his first months as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese.

“There’s so much criticism out there. We’ve come through a challenging time for the Church in Ireland – everyone knows that. Yet, the roots of the Church at the local level, particularly the relationship between priests and their people, remains strong. That’s something we don’t hear much about, but I’ve experienced it firsthand as a priest, and I thank God for it,” the bishop said.

Following his talk, Bishop Dempsey participated in a Q&A session where he was asked what advice he would offer to someone considering the priesthood.

“Even in my time, it was unusual to say you were entering the priesthood. Today, it’s even more challenging, though people can also be very supportive. That witness can have a powerful impact. My advice is to have courage. Take the step and see where the Spirit leads you. That’s what I’d say to anyone considering a vocation to preserve our religious life.”

Reflecting on his Faith journey, Bishop Dempsey added, “I may not be a wealthy man, but my life as a priest has been rich. I love being a priest, and I love being a bishop.”