Heroic Ethiopian sister honoured by Trócaire on 50th anniversary

Heba Aly, CEO of The New Humanitarian, James Ngun Hre, national director KMSS Myanmar, Julius Ng’oma, national coordinator for Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) in Malawi, Musa Kika, executive director, Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, Caoimhe de Barra, CEO of Trócaire, Ineza Umuhoza Grace, founder and CEO of the Green Protector, Dr Sinead Walsh, climate director Irish Aid, Sr Medhin Tesfay, winner of Trócaire’s Romero International Award 2023, Tasneem Essop, executive director of Climate Action Network International, and Claudia Paz y Paz, Director for Central America and Mexico Programme, Centre for Justice and International Law, and Former Attorney General, Guatemala. Photo: Mark Stedman.
The Daughters of Charity will stay serving the poor in Tigray despite the risk of death, Chai Brady hears An Ethiopian sister awarded by Trócaire for her devotion to the poor and marginalised has said the Daughters of Charity never abandoned their people, and never will, in conflict- ridden Tigray. Sr Medhin Tesfay DC, who is…