Historic All-Ireland win is a ‘massive boost’ to parish community says priest

Historic All-Ireland win is a ‘massive boost’ to parish community says priest Archbishop of Armagh Eamon Martin pictured with his Anglican counterpart Bishop John McDowell before Armagh’s win in Croke Park. Photo: Archbishop Eamon Martin

A parish priest in Armagh who gave an online blessing to those attending the All-Ireland final and specifically rearranged Masses to facilitate those travelling to the big match, has said that Armagh’s victory is a “great boost” to the parish community, many of whom have links to their local GAA club.

Speaking to The Irish Catholic, Fr Malachy Murphy of Loughgilly Parish said that “although Jesus would’ve sat on the fence”, he gave a blessing to those attending the match from Armagh in the hope of safe travels and an Armagh victory.

“There’s a great link between the parish and the GAA club – the oldest GAA club in the parish is 130 years old,” Fr Murphy said. “We particularly have great links with kids because many in the local schools are playing for their local clubs and attending Mass. It’s all very community-based and the GAA helps link the parish with the local club and work together on behalf of the community – which is so important in a rural village”.

Fr Murphy said that the win is even having an impact on the parish’s own schedule as recent changes were made to an upcoming wedding because of the commitments of one of the players. “One of the players on the team was due to have a wedding but it had to be rescheduled because of the successes of the county – it wasn’t expected when the date was originally arranged”.

A blessing for all of those travelling down to the game and for the success of the county was issued by Fr Murphy on the parish’s Facebook account before the game, a step parishioners responded very favourably to as Fr Murphy bestowed his blessing “upon all those travelling to the All-Ireland final tomorrow and to those who are preparing to bring the Sam home to Armagh”.

“I did a virtual blessing on the parish’s Facebook page for those who travelled and many told me that it was a great idea just before the game. There’s still a brilliant festive atmosphere in the village and we’re hoping it will continue for our parish fun day. We’re going to link it in with the great win and who knows …. Sam Maguire might make an appearance too!”, he said.