Books Editor
This year’s Gerard Manley Hopkins International Festival will take place in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare from July 21 to 27 inclusive. It should not be missed.
The festival has been held every last week in July since 1987, an unmatched record in Ireland.
It celebrates, of course, one of the greatest of Victorian poets, a Jesuit priest whose last years were spent teaching classics in University College Dublin to reluctant students.
Described as “the best literary festival in Ireland”, it incorporates a highly regarded literary conference, a youth programme, creative writing workshop for emerging writers, a music workshop, a translation workshop, as well as an art exhibition, international poetry readings, and a nightly festival club.
No wonder it has also been called “A bright gem in the literary world”.
The organisers have announced that “the Festival 2023, our 35th event, will be graciously opened by HE Claire Cronin, American Ambassador to Ireland, at 7.30 pm on July 21, in Newbridge College Theatre”.
The opening event, art exhibition and festival club each evening is free to members of the public.
Tickets for any or all other events including the annual classical concert can be booked on their website, where you can also view the full festival programme.
Kildare itself is now such a lively county that those who live in or near Newbridge should make every effort to support poet Des Egan and his associates in the remarkable work they do.
Its importance is that it is the only Irish summer school at which music, art, philosophy, spirituality and just plain religion all play important parts.