Impossible not to feel hopeful after this retreat, says Youth 2000 organiser

Impossible not to feel hopeful after this retreat, says Youth 2000 organiser Bishop Fintan Gavin hearing confessions. Photo: Nodlaig Lillis

Nearly 1,000 young people gathered at Clongowes Wood College in Co. Kildare from August 15 to 18 for the 35th annual Youth 2000 retreat, marking an important milestone in the organisation’s history. The event brought together participants aged 16 to 35 from across Ireland, offering them an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God while connecting with others.


The retreat was a celebration of faith, engaging participants in prayer, formation, worship, and community. The focus on devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the healing services provided a deeply spiritual experience. Kathryn Freney, a leader from Connacht, highlighted the transformative impact of such an environment, saying, “If people in parishes around Ireland were to come here this weekend, they’d be filled with a lot of hope for the future of the Church in Ireland.”

The greatest evangelisers of young people are other young people”

The event featured the presence of several parish priests, along with Bishop Cullinan of Waterford and Lismore, and Bishop Gavin of Cork and Ross, and the participation and support of numerous religious orders. Participants came from all corners of Ireland. Lisa Russell, Youth 2000 Ulster leader, expressed her optimism, saying, “One can only come away from this with a renewed sense of hope.”

Youth 2000’s distinctive charism resonates strongly with today’s young Catholics. The emphasis on personal spiritual growth and formation, coupled with a strong sense of community, makes Youth 2000 events particularly appealing to a generation that is both “open and curious about their faith,” as Keith Kelly, Youth Minister in the Diocese of Raphoe noted. The organisation encourages participants to carry their experiences back to their local communities. Freney explained, “A big part of Youth 2000 is sending people back into their own parishes, through their own dioceses. It’s about creating prayer groups and communities in your own area.”

This missionary spirit was evident in the testimonies shared at the retreat. Freney recounted the story of a young woman who, after experiencing a profound conversion at a previous retreat, began inviting her friends to join the youth group. “The greatest evangelisers of young people are other young people,” Freney said, echoing Bishop Gavin’s words in his homily at the festival.

Despite Youth 2000’s influence, Freney acknowledged that many have yet to hear of it, even those who regularly practice their Faith.


Looking to the future, Youth 2000 plans to continue its mission with upcoming events, including a provincial retreat at Lough Derg from September 27 to 29. The movement shares more information on and on their social media platforms.

Both Russell and Freney expressed a strong sense of hope for the future of the Church in Ireland. “There’s a strong emphasis on outreach, but also on maintaining and building up the ones you have,” Russell observed. Keith Kelly, Youth Minister for the Diocese of Raphoe, added, “Each generation has its strengths and weaknesses. This generation is very open, and we should capitalise on that.”

We do it out of love for the youth and to bring them to the heart of the Church”

Youth 2000 operates at a provincial level across Ireland, with volunteers in every county. Entirely volunteer-driven, the organisation runs its events on a donation-only basis, ensuring there are no barriers to attendance. “We do it out of love for the youth and to bring them to the heart of the Church,” Russell explained.

The Clongowes Wood College retreat, one of Youth 2000’s largest events, required significant resources, including venue rental, insurance, and logistical support. With a total cost of over €80,000, the organisation relied on Providence and donations to cover expenses, providing all accommodation, food, and activities free of charge.

In a time when the Church faces numerous challenges, the Youth 2000 retreat at Clongowes Wood College is a reminder of the potential within the younger generations. As Harry, a young male who attended the retreat pointed, “It is a very exciting time to be a Catholic in Ireland.”

Photos: Nodlaig Lillis