In Short

In Short
 fraternity launch prayer

The Seven Joys of Our Lady Secular Franciscan Fraternity (Clonoe/Coalisland) have organised a prayer campaign up to Christmas at least, in view of an expected abortion referendum in the Republic of Ireland.

Each member of the fraternity has undertaken to recite a daily Rosary for life and is inviting as many people as possible to do the same. The prayer campaign also includes the potential introduction of abortion legislation in Northern Ireland.

There will be two Holy Hours for Life; the first on Sunday November 12 at 6 pm in Brocagh, and the second on Sunday December 10 at 6 pm in Kingsisland.

A spokesperson for the fraternity wrote: “If you cannot commit to a full daily rosary, perhaps you could pray a decade.”

“As this is a vital issue, especially for those babies who are in danger of not seeing the light of day, it is fervently hoped that people will respond generously to this cause.”


Girl Guides

Irish Girl Guides (IGG) across Ireland are set to sell 30,000 chocolate chip cookies this month as part of their inaugural Irish Girl Guides’ National Cookie Month.

Taking up the US tradition it will be the first time the IGG will sell their tasty treats to friends, families and neighbours – all the while honing their entrepreneurial skills. By deciding how many packets to order, how to go about selling the biscuits and how they will spend the proceeds of their sales, it’s believed the girls will develop money management and business skills.

“The initiative has been given the hashtag #FutureCEOs, which stands for Creating Entrepreneur Opportunities, and it is hoped that all girls who get involved will develop and strengthen teamwork, communication, money management and goal-setting skills,” said IGG Commissioner Helen Concannon.