Dear Editor, The army has been prohibited from participating in the Annual Easter Commemoration Mass at Arbour Hill, but there was no difficulty in allowing the band of An Gárda Síochána to take part in the Gay Pride procession in Dublin some months ago.
It is only a few years ago since the Christmas Crib was taken down at St James’s Hospital and now the Catholic place of worship here is to be demolished and not replaced. Perhaps it will not be very long now until the very name of the hospital itself is replaced in case it should give “offence”. At the Mater Hospital there are unanswered questions, while at St Patrick’s Teacher Training College, the Catholic ethos is being edged out as outlined by staff member Dr Ciarán Ó Coigligh. Surely in the face of all this which might be termed as a ‘religious cleansing’ of our land, there is not sufficient response from either clergy or laity. The time is long overdue for some action, accompanied by a sustained campaign of prayer throughout the land.
Yours etc,
Seosamh O’Broin,
Dublin 8.