Ireland needs to learn how to ‘see’ again, Bill Donaghy

Ireland needs to learn how to ‘see’ again, Bill Donaghy On the right corner, from left to right, Eoin McCormack (Youth Rathmines), Bishop Paul Dempsey, Bill Donaghy, Helen Vysotska (Pure in Heart) and Fr Andrew O’Sullivan, Parish Priest

Two Catholic young-adult groups based in Dublin, ‘Youth Rathmines’ and ‘Pure in Heart’, joined forces to bring ‘The Way of Wonder’ to Ireland from the USA. The event, which took place on July 26 at Mary Immaculate Church in Rathmines, Co. Dublin, attracted over 200 attendees eager to experience a unique three-hour immersive journey of beauty, art, music, and theological reflections.

In attendance was Bishop Paul Dempsey, clergy, religious and laity from all around Ireland. More than 20 volunteers were involved. The evening was designed to inspire participants to rediscover the sacramental vision inherent in the Catholic faith.

Bill Donaghy, author and international speaker with over 25 years of experience in mission, evangelisation and education, was the keynote speaker. Donaghy, who holds a background in visual arts, philosophy, and a Masters in systematic theology, emphasised Ireland’s rich spiritual heritage. “Do you see the sacramental vision? I think this is Ireland’s gift in many ways. You can call this the land of saints and scholars. I know Ireland’s been through crucifixion the last decade or more. I’ve been feeling it,” he said, acknowledging the country’s recent challenges. “The snakes have returned to Ireland, but we can drive them back.”

Mr Donaghy led the audience on a reflective journey exploring the beauty of the natural world and its deep connection to the Creator. He urged participants to embrace this beauty as a path back to spiritual fullness, saying, “We need this poetry again. We need to learn how to ‘see’ again. Let’s find our way home again to the beauty of being human!”

‘The Way of Wonder’ was a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of beauty, asking attendees to revive their faith and connection to God’s creation.