Bishop Michael Router, Chair of the Irish Bishops’ Conference Council for Healthcare, has expressed his support for Pope Francis’ message for the 33rd World Day of the Sick, to be celebrated on February 11. In his message, the Pope encourages the faithful to offer presence and care to those suffering. Bishop Router has commented on this idea, adding that “the presence of caregivers, medical professionals, family members, or friends, is a tangible expression of God’s love for those who are sick.”
Bishop Router has also voiced his concerns over what he sees as an attack to human dignity in Irish healthcare, “with the introduction of a liberal abortion regime that has led to the deaths of over 30,000 children in the womb. The last Dail began exploring the possibility of introducing assisted suicide in Ireland.” The bishop warned that this last move “would fly in the face of the underlying principle of medical intervention – ‘Do no harm’.”
Bishop Router calls for an increased focus on palliative care, calling it “the only compassionate and ethical way to approach end-of-life issues.” He also advised the focus on pastoral care services in healthcare facilities, which “look after the spiritual needs of people who are sick or suffering and are essential to the well-being of so many people.”