Christians in Libya, Iraq and Syria are victims of an ISIS-orchestrated genocide, a report issued by the Knights of Columbus and In Defence of Christians has said.
The 278-page document was released in Washington, ahead of a congressionally mandated deadline for the Department of State to announce if genocide is being committed against religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East and North Africa by the Islamic State. Although Secretary of State John Kerry is believed to lean towards recognising that genocide is taking place in the Middle East, it is thought unlikely that Mr Kerry will do so ahead of the March 17 deadline.
The report, entitled ‘Genocide against Christians in the Middle East’, contains dozens of statements collected from witnesses and victims of ISIS-committed atrocities including torture, rapes, kidnappings, murder, forced conversions, bombings and the destruction of religious property and monuments.
Also citing statements from religious leaders, including Pope Francis, and conclusions from the European Parliament, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom and the Iraqi and Kurdish governments, the report includes a legal brief detailing the case for a genocide designation.
It argues that the case for recognising genocide in the region is clear, and urges Mr Kerry to make such a declaration, explicitly identifying Christians among the persecuted minorities in the region.