Leading obstetrician criticises abortion law

The master of the Rotunda Hospital has criticised the Government’s controversial abortion law.

Dr Sam Coulter-Smith claimed the absence of a gestational age limit in the State’s current abortion legislation creates a challenge for doctors.

The obstetrician also remarked that he overestimated the number of abortions that would occur on the suicide ground and that the “floodgates” had not opened as predicted.

Responding, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said that “within months of the new law being activated three pregnancies were terminated on the ‘suicide’ ground resulting in the intentional ending of unborn human life”. 

Meanwhile, Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin has said the party’s election manifesto will not feature any mention of abortion. 

He also said that it would pose “considerable difficulty” if a potential coalition partner wanted the repealing of the Eight Amendment included a programme for Government.