Making this election pro-life

Making this election pro-life Pro-Life campaigners demonstrate outside the Dáil ahead of the abortion referendum. Photo: CNS

If a problem isn’t measured, it won’t be fixed, so the saying goes. It certainly rings true in politics – if there aren’t enough voices raised on an issue, no matter how fundamental it is, then politicians will ignore it. This has been the case when it comes to abortion and other life issues, where politicians are happy not only to ignore, but trample over pro-life causes, safe in the assumption that it is only of concern to a minority.


They seem to forget that a sizeable portion of the public are motivated by the pro-life issue at election time. In the last general election in 2020, all 15 TDs who voted against the abortion legislation in 2018 won back their seats, while many vocal advocates of repeal lost theirs.

The general election is our chance to remind the Government that the loss of over 10,000 unborn lives annually remains a massive issue of concern for many voters”

It shows that all it takes is a few thousand principled voters in each area to raise their voices to burst the “self-censoring receptacle of bland, conformist ideas”, as former Minister for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton described contemporary Irish society at the recent Ceiliúradh Cois Life annual dinner.


With another general election imminent, the Pro Life Campaign National Conference taking place on October 19 in Cork comes at a vital moment to remind pro-life advocates across Ireland to support pro-life candidates and vote pro-life. We saw some excellent pro-life candidates succeed in the local elections this year  – but the general election is our chance to remind the Government that the loss of over 10,000 unborn lives annually remains a massive issue of concern for many voters.

The leader of Independent Ireland Michael Collins TD who will be speaking at the PLC National Conference is an example of a courageous politician who has steadfastly spoken up for the right to life in Dáil Éireann.

Recently elected Limerick City Councillor for Aontú Sarah Beasley, well known as a tireless and effective advocate for the most vulnerable in society and a strong defender of the right-to-life will also address the event.

Ruth O’Sullivan, who has made the courageous decision to come forward and tell her deeply personal and harrowing story about the impact of abortion on her life will also address the event. Ruth will share why she believes policy changes are needed at a governmental level to inform women about alternatives prior to abortion.

Dr. Naughton will highlight how legalising assisted suicide/euthanasia would gravely undermine the right-to-life and genuine healthcare”

With the current push within Government for the cruel and heartless practice of euthanasia to be legalised in Ireland, it’s timely to hear from Dr Margaret Naughton, who gave evidence before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying. Dr. Naughton will highlight how legalising assisted suicide/euthanasia would gravely undermine the right-to-life and genuine healthcare.

The political battle can only be won if we have a culture that supports life. To build that culture requires voters but also engaged citizens determined to make use of all their skills, not only to end the horror of abortion, but also to make babies, older people, those with disabilities, and all those current Government policy seeks to exclude .


With workshops on political engagement, grassroots and student activism and social media, the conference will provide an opportunity to learn how we can bring the pro-life message to every corner of Irish life starting with working to get more pro-life politicians elected on polling day.

Our current Government thinks they have the measure of pro-life support – the upcoming election is our chance to prove them wrong.


To register for free for the Pro Life Campaign National Conference on 19th October in Cork, see or telephone 01 662 9275.