Media won’t ask hard questions – Senator Mullen

Media won’t ask hard questions – Senator Mullen Senator Rónán Mullen.

Senator Ronan Mullen has asked why the mainstream media doesn’t ask politicans who complain they were refused Communion hard questions.  “And, as a matter of asking the hard questions of all sides, shouldn’t politicians complaining about access to the sacraments be asked about whether their support for abortion puts them at odds with the demands of Christian faith and their communion with the Church?

If the mainstream media takes the view that nothing that draws attention to our spiralling abortion rates may be considered newsworthy, they are failing in their duty to the public.”

Senator Mullen said the media were happy to highlight the criticism of the priest, who is enforcing Church rules but “there has been no criticism in recent years from the many, presumably Catholic, politicians of their party leaders who have formally or informally whipped them to support the country’s radical new abortion laws. They were mostly silent at the time of these laws passing. They remain so now that we have the appalling scenario of over 10,000 abortions a year taking place in this country. Where is the pressure from within the political system to change course, to work to reduce abortions, to promote positive alternatives?”

Senator Mullen added: “Of course is it not just for a Catholics within the Government to put the pressure on for change – everyone who believes in fundamental human rights should be doing it.