Meditations on the interior life

Meditations on the interior life

Where is Joy?


My God, where is joy hidden? It is in You. And where is happiness hidden? It is in You. We are created for happiness, and we look here and there for it, and think it’s in this or that, in money, holidays, fine food. But no, it is in You, only in God is my soul fulfilled, only in You. It is in Your smile, Your inspiration, Your life, Your gifts, Your presence… Final happiness.  The catechism teaches “we are created to know, love, serve God and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.”

I have been happy Lord. I found happiness in quiet times before a tabernacle, marvelling at the real Presence.  I found happiness in groups of friends, laughing and joking, I found happiness at parties when I was young.

Father, my Joy! I find it in You in prayer and consequently, I find my happiness. Happiness in raising my thoughts to You.  If I look down at the depressing scenario of war and hatred, it is gloomy and sad. You are all-powerful, wonderful and limitless. You pour out blessings numerous as raindrops, open my eyes to it. To this downfall of graces, open my lips to praise You, my heart to welcome You.

Let me not forget You nor drift. You are my Anchor. Smile O Lord, on this poor world which does not know You, or is so confused and lost because it does not turn to You. You call us Lord ‘Return to Me and I will return to you.’ And again ‘Come back to Me with all your heart… no frown of mine awaits you.’

Reflecting on Holy Communion….

Jesus, You become so small in Holy Communion. A host is less than an ounce. It is the size of a butterfly or less, the weight of a leaf, and it is You. I am amazed at the humility.  None of us can ever be so humble as this…. Unless we turn ourselves into pieces of dust.

And yet, little as You are, tiny and seemingly powerless, and hidden in a tabernacle, and consumed and forgotten, You are Second Person of the Trinity, the Saviour of the world. And what power have You? Power to quench the stars, to make the sun rise, power to heal everything, power to love and embrace this wounded planet, power to open the locked gates of paradise.

You love us in our ugliness, when no one else can. You forgive all sins, even the most atrocious crimes. Come and work in my life. I open my heart to You. You are in us, by virtue of Communion, by virtue of a spoken word, which happens to be the word of God. Act in me, O Lord. I welcome You like the grain of wheat.