Military trial for 50 Coptic Catholic bombers in Egypt

Military trial for 50 Coptic Catholic bombers in Egypt Cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt

Almost 50 people have been referred for military trial in Egypt for recent bombings that killed and injured over 100 Coptic Catholics.

The suspects are thought to be behind the attacks on Cairo’s Coptic Church in December 2016 which killed 25 people, and two further bombings that killed over 45 people in April 2017 in Alexandria and Tanta. ISIS later took responsibility for the gruesome bombing.

The Egyptian public prosecutor said that of the 48 suspects, 31 are in custody while 17 are still at large. It is thought they are currently being trained by ISIS in military camps in Libya and Syria.

It is also believed some of the suspects are behind the deaths of eight police officers at a checkpoint on January 2016.

The Pope, when he visited Cairo in April 2017, said: “Let us say once more a firm and clear no to every form of violence, vengeance and hatred carried out by in the name of religion or in the name of God. It is our duty to unmask the peddlers of illusions about afterlife, those who preach hatred in order to rob simple people of their present life.”

Christians have been increasingly targeted by ISIS in Egypt, with a large amount of horrific attacks occurring in the last year.