‘More things are wrought by prayer than this world realises,’ says Fr Richard Gibbons

‘More things are wrought by prayer than this world realises,’ says Fr Richard Gibbons

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world realises,” said Fr Richard Gibbons, rector at Knock Shrine, speaking with this paper preceding the annual Novena at Knock Shrine, that began on August 14.

The event is expected to draw over 130,000 faithful, as it has done for the last 47 years. However, as the world changes, so does the way people engage with their faith. Fr Gibbons acknowledges these changes.

“The way people attend nowadays is different. Our attention spans have shortened. You have to adapt and make it fit into people’s lives,” Fr Gibbons explains. This idea has led to innovations in how the Novena is presented, adding new approaches without compromising its message.

Despite these changes, the essence of the Novena remains the same – showing the importance of prayer in the lives of the faithful. “Prayer is important. That’s it. Without prayer, we don’t have the connection with God that we strive for,” Fr Gibbons explained to The Irish Catholic. The Novena is a necessary reminder of the eternal side of existence, offering a moment to pause and reflect in this fast-paced world.

This year, attendees can also participate in seminars, guided walks, and Family Day events, among other activities. These options are designed to meet the needs of a contemporary audience, encouraging a deeper connection in a way that resonates with today’s faithful.

“The Lord simply wants us to live the best life we can, and he wants us home,” Fr Gibbons says, emphasising the profound spiritual guidance the Novena provides. Fr Gibbons reminds the faithful that, in a world “often dominated by material concerns, prayer and reflection remain central to a fulfilling life.”

Read the full feature piece here – Knock Shrine reminds us of the importance of prayer in 2024 Novena