Murdered Irish LA bishop paid tribute to by successor

Murdered Irish LA bishop paid tribute to by successor The late Bishop O’Connell. Photo: OSV News

Pope Francis appointed to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles four new auxiliary bishops July 18, one of whom is assigned to the San Gabriel region filling the role following the murder of Irish-born Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell in February of this year.

Bishop-elect Brian Nunes said he could never “replace” Bishop O’Connell but that he wants to do everything possible to bring Christ to the region’s diverse population.

Bishop O’Connell’s murder shocked his pastoral region and the Church globally, with tributes pouring in that remembered him as a man committed to the poor.

The man who was charged with the murder of Bishop O’Connell is 61-year-old Carlos Medina, the husband of the woman who was Bishop O’Connell’s housekeeper.

Bishop-elect Nunes spoke recently about his awareness of moving into the role filled by the late Irish bishop.

“I’m moving into the region of the late Bishop O’Connell, who was so well loved. Given his own experiences, his personality, and his tenure in ministry, there is no way I’m going to ‘replace’ him,” Bishop-elect Nunes said.

“I do, however, want to continue, as best as I can, his efforts to constantly make Jesus present to individuals, parishes, and schools. I want to be there with them in their celebrations and their challenges, to listen to them and to walk with them as our Holy Father is asking us to do,” he added.