A new vision of the Via Dolorosa

A new vision of the Via Dolorosa
Máire Ní Aogáin

According to a saying attributed to Jim Larkin, “Christ is crucified every day on the streets of Dublin”.  This little book transfers this metaphor to the DART stations, linking these to the Stations of the Cross.

The bilingual text draws on literature from each language to provide contemporary context for the Stations in a manner which should appeal to all age-groups.

It had its origins in a special one-off radio programme for Good Friday.  The programme invited listeners to undertake a spiritual journey with actors Bríd Ní Neachtain and Diarmuid de Faoite as they reflect on the meaning of each of the Stations of the Cross on a journey on the DART in Dublin, and their relevance to contemporary life.

The programme, produced by Mairéad Ní Dhomhnaill, was broadcast on Raidio na Gaeltachta. It has now been given book form. The creator, Tadhg Ó Dúshláine, is an award winning poet and folklorist who lectures at NUI Maynooth.


The excellent illustrations are presented in the form of a billboard depicting ‘Everyman’ as contemporary Christ suffering on this ‘Via Dolorosa’.

Cé gur féidir an leabhar a leanúint i gceachtar den dá theanga, is fearr a thaitneoidh sé le duine dátheangach. For example  Station IV, ‘Jesus meets his mother’, quotes Pearse’s poem ‘The Mother’ in the English text, but Ó Cadhain in the Irish – ‘Sí cinniúint an mháthair bheith in ainriocht i gcónaí riamh’.

This is a very impressive booklet, deceptively simple in concept, but clever in execution.