New year’s resolutions

New year’s resolutions
Family Activities
Annie O’Connell


Your family may be coming back to earth with a bang after the excitement of Christmas.

If the children are feeling a bit under the weather after the holidays, we can help them to express and accept their emotions.

We can explain how we all need to get more sleep, take plenty of exercise and eat healthy foods to help us get back on an even keel after Christmas. Help them realise that this is all part of life.

It’s never too late to make new year’s resolutions. Make an agreement with your child about something you both will do to make this year a good one, for yourself and others.

Write this out, put it in an envelope and keep it in a safe place.

The two of you can check it every now and then to see how you’re doing.

This is a good time to sort out the toys. Too much choice and clutter, too many toys and books lead to more stress and less peace in children’s lives.


Children love calendars. These can vary from a simple handmade long strip so the child can follow the numbers easily and which can be made anew each month, to the usual yearly one, bought or made.

Birthdays, visits, special occasions and holidays can be written into this one.

This is the month for making marmalade with sunny oranges from Seville.

There is a good recipe available on