News in Brief

News in Brief Cardinal Kevin Farrell with Pope Francis
Bishops issue guidelines for priests with children

New guidelines for priests who become a father issued by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, place a priority on the wellbeing of the child.

The guidelines say the priest “should face up to his responsibilities – legal, moral and financial. At a minimum, no priest should walk away from his responsibilities”, adding that it is “vital” that the mother, “as the primary caregiver, and as a moral agent in her own right, be fully involved”. The guidelines, ‘Principles of Responsibility Regarding Priests who Father Children While in Ministry’, were approved by the bishops last May, but have yet to be published online.

Cardinal to speak at D&C convention

‘Family in the Faith’ will be the topical discussion of the upcoming Down and Connor diocesan Faith and Life Convention, which will welcome Cardinal Kevin Farrell as keynote speaker.

Cardinal Farrell was recently appointed by Pope Francis to lead the newly-created Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and it was shortly after his appointment that he accepted the invitation to speak at the convention which will be picking up on subjects reflecting on how the Church, and people of faith, position themselves in the current debate.

It will take place in Our Lady and Saint Patrick’s College, Knock, Belfast on Saturday, September 30.

Boystown founder commemorated

In a centenary celebration, academics and religious figures will be commemorating the opening of Boystown in Omaha by renowned priest Fr Edward Joseph Flanagan.

The Roscommon-born priest founded the orphanage known as Boystown located in Nebraska, which now serves as a centre for troubled youth. Fr Flanagan became a household name following a 1938 film starring Spencer Tracy, Boys Town. The free one-day conference on August 24, as part of Heritage Week, will take place at The Library, Roscommon Town, and Bishop Kevin Doran will speak along with Prof. Daire Keogh (DCU) and journalist John Waters.