NI Health Authorities criticised for ‘presuming’ 6500 abortions

NI Health Authorities criticised for ‘presuming’ 6500 abortions Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life

Pro-life group Precious Life have criticised health officials for assuming and making plans for up 6,500 abortions per year in Northern Ireland.

The figure was found in the notes of a meeting involving officials from Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Board held last December.

Health officials discussed how many abortions they would need to cater for in NI, presuming that abortion rates will be the same as England and Wales at 25% of all pregnancies.

Director of Precious Life, Bernadette Smyth said the figures were “outrageous”: “Northern Ireland has a pro-life culture. We can’t go from culture of life to a culture of death overnight.”