Kerry: Family and friends gather for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the five week ‘Time for Creation’ programme began with a prayer service held in the Town Park Tralee with events held throughout September.
Fermanagh: Rev Sampson Adjuka of Devenish Parish, Fr Jimmy McPhillips of Botha and Canon David Skuce Rector of Innishmacsaint enjoy a flower festival organised by Botha Parish, and supported by Church of Ireland communities, to raise funds for its three local Churches.
Most Rev Bishop Leo McKiernan and Fr. Gerry Kearns make a presentation to Fr. Martin Gilcreest on the occassion of his leaving Cavan General Hospital after 17 years as Hospital Chaplin there. Photo: Lorraine TeevanFr. Tadhg Fitzgerald PP. St. John’s Church Tralee, celebrated Mass for Married couples celebrating their wedding anniversary this year, pictured Sean and Irene Commane, 60th, Teddy and Mary O’Carroll 60th, Paddy and Eileen Phelan 60th, (not inpicture) John and Joan Trant 55th, John and Shelia O’Driscoll 55th, Sean Seosamh & Dawn î Concubhair 50th, Christy and Breda Browne 50th, Maurice and Carmel Hobbert 50th, Johnny and Kathleen Burrows 45th, Patrick and Eileen Nolan 40th, Kathleen and Jerry Houlihan, 40th, Jerry and Nancy O Regan 40th, Tommy and Catherine Kelliher 35th, Ger and Rose Coughlan 35th, John and Liz O’Keeffe 30th, Thomas and Cath Griffin 25th, Brian and Mire Caball 25th, Patrick and Anne Hoare 20th, Colm and Caroline Lynch 15th, Martina and Neilus O’Donnell 10th, Brenda and Fred Moriarty 1st. Photo: John Cleary.A beautiful farewell mass was held in Cavan Cathedral on Thursday evening for the three much loved priests who will be leaving their posts in the Cathedral and heading for pastures new. Fr Sean Maugire, Fr Kevin Donohoe & Fr Darragh Connolly have all been given new placements in the parish, back from left Fr Raphael Siwek, Fr John Akain, Fr Ultan McGoohan and Deacon Andy Brady, middle from left, altar servers names withheld, front from left Fr. Sean Maguire, Fr Darragh Connolly, Most Rev Bishop Leo O’Reilly, Fr Kevin Donohoe and Fr Ray Brady. Photo: Lorraine TeevanFr. Padraig Walsh PP. OurLady and St Brendan’s Church making a presentation to Fr. Patsy Lynch PP on his departure to his new parish of Ballinskelligs. The presentation ’10 years on the Rock’ a humorous poem, in appreciationso to Fr. Patsy who is pictured with friends and parishioners at a function in his honour at the Meadowlands Hotel on Thursday night. Photo: John Cleary.