Bennettsbridge Art Group selling Christmas cards for the St Vincent De Paul
The Bennettsbridge Art Group in Co. Kilkenny has created a range of Christmas cards to raise money for the St Vincent De Paul.
This is the third year that the group has been supporting the charity's Christmas appeal and the fundraising event usually kicks off with a Christmas craft, coffee and card sale in the local community hall and after weekend Mass in Bennettsbridge. However, Joan Cleere told The Irish Catholic that this year the local community hall is undergoing massive renovation, leaving the group without a venue.
"In April of next year, we hope to have a new state of the art community hall and all the local voluntary groups will once more have a home,î she said. ìLuckily we have great support in our parish and the local Centra Store and Post Office agreed to stock the cards."
The cards feature local scenes in watercolours, photographs and line drawings, and cost €2 each or €3 for five.