Parish collections go hi-tech

Parish collections go hi-tech

While parishes might bemoan the fact that some Massgoers pass the collection basket on rather than reaching into their pocket, a church in the Netherlands has come up with a novel way to exist in an increasingly cashless society.

Parishioners in Utrecht can now tap their donation at a contactless payment terminal at the local Church of St Gerard Majella.

“It was very frustrating seeing the collection plate come my way and having nothing to offer,” according to 28-year-old Wim Graas

“I know that many young people don’t carry cash anymore. It’s a pity really, because they would like to give money to the Church. I knew the technology already existed and thought to myself: Let’s just do this.”

A total of €220 has been donated in the two weeks since the fixed payment system was installed. But, ambitious plans are now underway to turn the collection basket itself high-tech. “There will also be a solution for the collection plates,” according to Mr Graas.

“I found a relatively cheap way to pass around a small handheld terminal during Mass, using Wi-Fi. We still have to fine tune it, though, to make it work.”