Parishes asked to celebrate Creation Time

Parishes in Ireland are being asked to join with churches across the world in celebrating Creation Time from September 1 to the Feast of St Francis on October 4.

Creation Time is an opportunity for Christians to reflect on the wonder and mystery of Creation and to choose better ways to relate to Creation, reflecting God’s ways of justice and peace.

This year’s theme, ‘God, Whose Farm is All Creation’, ties in with the United Nations International Year of Family Farming (IYFF).  Its goal is to see the repositioning of family farming (which is the predominant form of agriculture in the food production sector world-wide) in the centre of agricultural, environmental and social policies by identifying opportunities leading to a shift towards more equal and balanced development.

The website  www.ecocongregation includes prayers on this theme produced by ECI for use by congregations, groups and individuals. Further ideas on how to observe Creation Time, including Bible readings, sermon starters, prayers, children’s talks, musical suggestions and additional background information on the theme, are available on the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland website,

ECI’s Catholic representative, Catherine Brennan SSL (pictured, far left) is also available to visit parishes throughout Ireland to give talks on Creation care. Contact or 087 2599071.