Parishioners ‘petrified’ after disturbance in Donegal church

Parishioners ‘petrified’ after disturbance in Donegal church Church of the Irish Martyrs, Letterkenny, Donegal. Photo: Parish Facebook page

Parishioners attending the 11.30 Mass in the Church of the Irish Martyrs in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal on Sunday were left “shocked” and “petrified” after an altercation took place in the porch of the church just before the Gospel was about to be pronounced.

The Mass was interrupted and parishioners were asked to remain inside the church building after an argument broke out in the porch of the church building. The argument spilled outside into the car park of the church where there was a strong Garda presence.

A local parishioner, Evelyn, who witnessed what she described as the “commotion”, said that parishioners were petrified because they were unsure whether the disturbances would spill into the church.

“Fr Dominic came to start the Gospel and I heard commotion and some shouting from behind me,” she said. “Everybody was petrified because we didn’t know if it was going to spread into the church or not but it was contained and they moved to the outside.

“Everybody was shocked. Luckily the Guards came very quicky and the Mass was held up for 10 minutes afterwards. The priest announced that we were to stay in the Church after the Mass was over to ensure everything was safe.

“There was Garda presence around when we did eventually get out. Everyone did get a fright and it was a shame that it happened in a holy place.”

Five men have since been released on bail after they appeared in court last Monday charged in connection with the disturbance at the church.

The five, all members of the Travelling Community, appeared at a special sitting of Letterkenny District Court before Judge Ciaran Liddy.