Pockets of Ireland on fire with faith says youth leader

Pockets of Ireland on fire with faith says youth leader Youth leader Keith Kelly

‘Pockets of Ireland are on fire with the faith’ according to a youth minister in the Diocese of Raphoe (Donegal).  Speaking to The Irish Catholic Keith Kelly praises the enthusiasm of young people in the Raphoe Diocese. He sees this as characteristic of young people in the Catholic Church across the world also: ‘‘Young people want to be challenged”.  He says the success with young people is down to “trust and authenticity”.

Keith says his work with young people came about “thanks to God’s providence”. He says he experienced a youth that was characterised by mischief and issues with the law. There was a court case, with the likely threat of a prison sentence. But an experience at Medjugorje led to a conversion for Keith during the summer of 2005. Following this, he explained to the Judge that he had experienced God in a way that he hadn’t before. This was the starting point to what would be a radical change in his life. The judge gave Keith the second chance he asked for and he felt the mercy of God.

Keith would eventually find himself in Galway “working with youngsters”. It was there where he met his wife. Living in Donegal with their family was not something they expected but Keith believes the plan was in place before he could object.

Keith remains hopeful for himself, his family, Raphoe’s youth and the Catholic Church in Ireland: “I don’t think the Church will die but we must do our best to spread the faith”.

Read the full feature piece here – Youth of Raphoe Diocese “on fire for the faith” and one man’s story to getting there