Pointed questions in abortion debate

Pointed questions in abortion debate

Dear Editor, I thoroughly agree with the sentiments expressed by Donal O’Driscoll in his letter ‘Clarify meaning of Eighth Amendment’ (IC 28/07/2016).

I have listened to many of the abortion debates, and have felt totally frustrated by the ‘niceness’ and ‘politeness’ of the pro-life people. This is used and seized upon with great effect by the pro-abortionists, who go on and on about ‘choice’, and womens’ right to control their bodies, etc. totally ignoring the living child in the womb.

In future debates the pro-life people should ask the pro-abortionists some relevant and pointed questions, for example:

How is the child in the womb terminated/killed?

Do the medical personnel inform the parents how an abortion is carried out, and if not, why not?

Why is the public kept in the dark of the horrors that occur behind the closed doors of abortion clinics?

If the pro-life people set such an agenda then we might get an open, honest and above all a truthful debate. The public may at long last come face to face with the reality of the barbaric practice that is abortion, and act accordingly.

Yours etc.,

Eilis McNamara,

Glin, Co. Limerick.