Dear Editor, What an Easter weekend! With historic, cultural and religious ceremonies highlighting our national values. The planning, organisation and execution of the very many ceremonies and parades was such that the total effect was greater than the sum of its parts. This included the amazing transformation overnight of O’Connell Street in Dublin. While we were celebrating the leaders and participants of the Easter Rebellion in 1916, those of us on the streets of Dublin on the Sunday and Monday were celebrating the Ireland of 2016.
There is a short window of opportunity for our newly elected representatives to buy into this new mood. The people have overwhelmingly voted for ‘pro’ and not for ‘anti’ politicians. If Fianna Fáil are afraid of what Sinn Féin might achieve in opposition, then let them participate in government in such a positive way that the negative and limited SF policies and those of the self-serving “anti” group will be irrelevant come the next election.
Draw on the creative, organisational and many other skills which Ireland has in abundance and solve the problems of homelessness, health and other difficulties which are dividing communities and alienating our young people – our future.
The 1916 generation did it for us, let us do it, not just for the 2016, generation, but for the 2116 generation.
Yours etc.,
Patrick Conneely,
Dublin 11.